It’s just a jump to the left….and then a step to the right….

Vicky Mears
Digital Dorset
Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2021


Anyone else still feel like they are working in a time warp? I still think its March 2020. Did Christmas happen? Is it really 2021?? Why am I still sat in my Pj’s?!

I was lucky enough to not have to work between Christmas and New Year, but it’s taken me a good week (ok, two) to get back into work from the Christmas break.

I’ve had some really open and honest conversations with colleagues this week on our project and it’s been refreshing to have adult to adult conversations without tension and worrying about the outcome. One of the best parts about working in a multidisciplinary team is that there isn’t any hierarchy. On the project, you are team, you work together, you work in cohesion and if you don’t, it’s unlikely to work at all. It is vital to be able to do this for the best outcome for the project and having no hierarchy allows us to truly work together as one.

I have missed the face to face this week and have found working at home a struggle. The managers in Digital and Change are very understanding to our needs — the message is “it’s ok to take breaks and have a bit of time out” if we need it and I have needed it this week.

Planning for next Problem statement in the project has also kicked off with gusto this week; the next problem statement is a huge one and we have lots to work on, breaking down work into sprints and time boxing tasks within that.

Also this week, we had our first Service Design hangout our team have dedicated time to get together and talk about new things, revise existing processes and to have a general catch up. It acts as a one stop shop and a peer review so we can discuss and thrash out problems and thoughts. I really enjoy these team sessions — it’s really important to me, to keep the connection with my team — I miss them lots.

Our project team had our first retrospective of 2021 this week and I was delighted to see more ‘liked’ than ‘longed for.’ It’s is the first time this has happened in our project and if I’m honest, I think its because are all working hard to be transparent, which is difficult at times when we are all so busy.

Another busy week with my coaching and I have realised it’s something which I am growing to love. I will be so pleased when I have completed my course which I am hoping will be late summer this year.

Half marathon was accomplished over the Christmas period and I was chuffed to bits to say I have run this distance now. I have decided that I might try and do a ‘proper’ running event in 2021 but maybe not as far 13 miles!

Until next time………………….



Vicky Mears
Digital Dorset

Service Designer for Dorset Council. Passionate about people, culture and tech. Over enthusiastic lover of pineapples and leopard print.